If you've read any of my other reviews of Jeff Noon's John Nyquist series, you already know that these books are really unlike anything else. John Nyquist is a detective who takes on the oddest jobs - or the oddest jobs find him. In either case, Nyquist goes to the most unusual, mind-bending, confusing communities to bring a small sense of order to the disorder around him. In two of my three previous reviews of Noon's book, I compare Noon's worlds with the worlds of Franz Kafka's work. In case the comparisons weren't obvious enough for some, Noon introduces Nyquist to a resident of this new world by the name of Gregor Samsa who is in the process of turning into a beetle. We'll also meet Alice Liddell and Mr. Hyde. If you don't know who any of these people are, you can just skip this review and this book. The locations have been every bit as much a character as the people in Noon's books and that is still true here. Nyquist is in the city of Delir