THE LONELY LANDS - Ramsey Campbell
Joe Hunter is struggling with depression. He is only just beginning to adjust to life since his beloved wife, Olivia, passed away when he hears her calling from the 'beyond.' "Where am I?" she calls out to Joe. While her body has died, her soul, her essence, is wandering in an afterlife that is made up of her memories. Memories which he mostly shares. But she is not the only spirit inhabiting the afterlife and she wanders to avoid the restless. Joe journeys into the afterlife each day to lure the restless dead away from his wife, but with each journey it gets harder for him to return and by opening the door to and from the afterlife, Joe allows some of the restless to invade his everyday life. As his wife gets more frantic, facing increasing horrors among the afterlife, Joe will need to make a decision about whether or not to make the ultimate sacrifice to help his wife. I've written before about how much I like Ramsey Campbell's slow-boiling horror and how th