THE RUSH'S EDGE - Ginger Smith


 Hallvor Cullen is an ex-soldier. A genetically-engineered, high-technology implanted ex-soldier know as a 'vat.' As a vat soldier he was often fed a chemical drug that would give him an adrenaline rush and keep him fighting. No longer in the service, Cullen is just searching for his next rush. There's no point in doing much else because a vat is engineered to work fast and hard and to live a very short life.

Cullen's best friend is his former Commanding Officer, Tyce, and Tyce is determined to find a way to prolong Cullen's life. In the meantime, he hopes to distract Cullen by taking him off to do some salvage work in the far reaches of the galaxy. One more crew member is added just before they depart - Vivi, a tech genius who had been a hacker. Out on 'the edge' an alien presence is downloaded into their ship.

I found this to be a very disappointing read.

The book takes some very typical sci-fi tropes and adds a few unremarkable characters and has them wandering without any real goal. Not exactly a glowing recommendation, is it?

There were moments that I enjoyed - generally very active moments, such as a bar vat fight - but those moments could have been pulled out of the book and it wouldn't really have any negative effect on the story.

I was hoping for something to actually happen ... something unique to this book ... and it just never happened.

Looking for a good book? Keep looking.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

2 stars

* * * * * *

The Rush's Edge

author: Ginger Smith

publisher: Angry Robot

ISBN: 9780857668646

paperback, 328 pages


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