Rose Marshall died at the age of sixteen as she was on her way to her prom.  That was 60 years ago. Now she's a Hitcher ... a hitchhiking ghost who travels along the  crossroads.

The man who killed her was Bobby Cross - once an up-and-coming movie star who sold his soul to live forever. Of course he didn't know that would mean forever driving in his car, fueled by the souls of ghosts he can run down - sending them to their final resting places. But the one ghost who's gotten away, was his first ... Rose Marshall.  All she needs to do is touch his car, and she'll be another victim, so for six decades, Rose and Bobby have played a cat and mouse game while he consumes more and more souls to stay alive forever.

But Rose is approached by one of the grand spirits over seeing this twilight realm, and confesses to Rose that the crossroads are dying and along with it, Bobby Cross's protection. Finally Rose can get her revenge without fear of becoming fuel for his ghost machine.

Rose asks for protection and assistance to bring Bobby down, which is granted, but when you ask for favors from those in high places, be prepared to pay the price.

I wasn't more than halfway through this book when I decided that I really like this series. Really like this series. I know McGuire's October Daye series is popular and I enjoy that, as well as the InCryptid series, but I think this is my favorite series from McGuire (as written by McGuire ... I might like her Newsflesh series [as written by Mira Grant] a little more, still).

Angel of the Overpass takes the series to a new level and it's quite a thrill ride. On the surface it's a pretty direct story - it's time for Bobby Cross to go, and Rose should be the one to do it. We get the set-up, the chase, and the big final battle. Each of these segments is an energetic build up to the climax and that climax is about as thrilling a battle as I've read in any fantasy story. 

This alone makes the book a really great read, but the denouement brings about a change that sets up a new direction for the series and I'm really excited about it.  I want to read the next book ... now! (But I have to wait for it to be written.)

Looking for a good book? Angel of the Overpass by Seanan McGuire is the third book in the Ghost Roads series and it's a fast-paced, high energy book with a dramatic change in multiple characters.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

5 stars

* * * * * *

Angel of the Overpass

author: Seanan McGuire

series: Ghost Roads #3

publisher: DAW

ISBN: 9780756416898

paperback, 301 pages


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