The Emperor is dead and there is chaos and catastrophe everywhere. But petty criminals Fings, Myla, and Seth don't much care - the Emperor's never shown any interest them, and likewise, they've never had much interest in the Empire - other than what they could steel in order to stay alive.

Good fortune comes to Fings, Myla, and Seth (members of the Unrulys) when the gang is commissioned to steal and unusual item. Unfortunately, that item puts them smack in the center of a battle for the throne and every side trying to lay claim to the Crown wants what the Unrulys have.

Somehow, this group of people who have known nothing but mistrust and looking out for ones self must work together to stay alive.

There's a bit of adventurous fantasy here, though nothing is particularly unique. Unwilling and unwitting hero protagonists. Thieves Thieves thrown into a fight for the throne. Rough characters who have to suddenly work together. Throwback to the middle ages world. And everything is dark and dreary. I feel as though I read this kind of story with every third book I pick up.

There's a huge focus on our trio, Fings, Myla, and Seth, and I really didn't connect or enjoy any of them.  Fings stood out the most and I liked him the least (I'm not sure why, other than I couldn't take him seriously with a name like "Fings" [short for "fingers" since he was a thief]). Like so much of the rest of the book, there really wasn't anything about these three that made them unique in a bookstore full of similar fantasies.  

Mostly I found this to be quite ordinary. It wasn't 'bad' - it just doesn't stand out. I likely won't bother with the next one, even though the door was left open at the end, to pique the reader's curiosity.

Looking for a good book? The Moonsteel Crown by Stephen Deas is a decent, though familiar, fantasy with criminals who suddenly find themselves hunted because of their control of political power.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

2-1/2 stars

* * * * * *

The Moonsteel Crown

author: Stephen Deas

series: Dominion #1

publisher: Angry Robot

ISBN: 0857668765

paperback, 363 pages


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