MODEM TIMES 2.0 - Michael Moorcock

 In the 1970's I was a huge fan of Michael Moorcock, specifically his Elric series, but anything he wrote was gold in my hands. I have been reading a little Moorcock lately and was very happy to get a look at this.

This book is part of the PM Outspoken Authors series. I've read and reviewed a couple of these now.  Each one seems to have a short story or novelette, followed by an essay or non-fiction article, and then an interview with the author. This is no exception.

The story, "Modem Times 2.0" features Jerry Cornelius, an urban adventurer who is part of Moorcock's greater Eternal Champion concept. The story is a time-hopping adventure as it spans the post-Obama presidency era in the United States to London in the 1960's.

The story was 'okay' at best. It feels dated. Even though Jerry Cornelius is living in the modern world he's still carrying around his 60's/70's attitudes.

The essay "My Londons" has Moorcock reminiscing about his life and experiences in London from the 1940s to the 1990s. This was by far my favorite part of this book. We get a good look at the beginnings of the new wave movement of sci-fi/fantasy as Moorcock was not only there, but likely one of the founders of the movement. Moorcock's easy narrative storytelling style works wondrously here.

The interview conducted by Terry Bison expands on what Moorcock tells us in his essay and was quite informative.

I've generally enjoyed the PM Outspoken Authors series - at least those books that I've read, but then I've selected to read only those authors whose works I know I enjoy. This volume isn't earth-shattering in any way, but fans of Moorcock should enjoy hearing more about his early days, both personally and professionally.

Looking for a good book? Modem Times 2.0 by Michael Moorcock is a small volume featuring a short story, an essay, and an interview with sci-fi author Michael Moorcock. Fans of his work will appreciate this. Those new to Moorcock's writing may want to start with one of his better known works.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Edelweiss, in exchange for an honest review.

3-1/2 stars

* * * * * *

Modem Times 2.0

author: Michael Moorcock

publisher: PM Press

ISBN: 1604863080

paperback, 128 pages


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