THE MUFFIA - Ann Royal Nicholas


Madelyn (Maddie) Scott-Crane is a single mom who has had 22 months of self-imposed abstinence. She is a member of a ladies book club who call themselves The Muffia (though The Cliterati had been a name under consideration). They tend to read some racy books and talk a lot about who's getting regular sex and who's getting good sex and who's getting no sex.

Maddie breaks her abstinence with a hunky Israeli named Udi on their second date.  It's exciting, passionate, and very, very fulfilling, when Udi collapses on top of her. Dead. And when two burly men, claiming to be a part of the airline Udi worked for, show up to take Udi's body away, Maddie and the Muffia are certain that Udi lived a secret life in the spy business and they decide to look into his past.

I think that this is one of the most intelligently written works of erotica that I've read.  Or perhaps it's a cozy mystery with some of the most intense sex scenes I'v read.  Or maybe it's classified as 'women's lit'?  However you might classify this. author Ann Royal Nicholas is a fabulous writer who has brought together a wonderful assortment of characters.

The different members of The Muffia are a fun assortment of women and it's quite easy to see how they might be real people - each is show with a distinctive personality. Udi and the goons that take him away are also well presented, but really, the focus is on the women who make up the book club for which the book is titled.

The plot takes a little while to develop as we first get to know the women and the circumstances surrounding their (sex) lives. And the main character ... as intelligent and wise as she is, I felt it was a bit of a stretch to have her off on her own to investigate Udi's past.  Still, all in all fun.

The sex scenes (and there were a few) are explicit without being raunchy or degrading or too dependent on a fetish.  This was pretty surprising, but a nice surprise.

This is not the sort of book I would normally pick up on my own (though I might request a new book like this for review), but I am familiar with the author (we worked together briefly decades ago) and I wanted to see what she's been up to and saw she had a couple of books out.  I'm glad I gave it a read, and if the subject matter interests you, you should to.

Looking for a good book? The Muffia by Ann Royal Nicholas is sexy, smart erotica and well worth reading.

I borrowed this book through the Amazon Kindle Unlimited program.

4 stars

* * * * * *

The Muffia

author: Ann Royal Nicholas

publisher: Bournos

ISBN: 0990708004

paperback, 332 pages


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