I am always interested in fiction that relates to music so when I saw this book in a local used book store, I bought it. It's been on my shelf for years, but while on an extended vacation, this was one of the books I decided to bring along.

We are in Austria in the 18th century. Nannerl is Wolfang Amadeus Mozart's sister. Mozart has been estranged from the family, including his sister for many years.  Nannerl received a letter from Mozart's wife telling her that Wolfang was dead. In the letter, Nannerl learns that before he died, her brother believed he had been poisoned and would, indeed, die soon.

Nannerl goes to Austria to pay her respects to her brother and to learn what really happened to him. She discovers a world of conspiracy and scandal and must walk a careful path so as not to be taken in by unscrupulous rivals or secret police.

The blurb for this book sounds really tremendous. A historical drama with lots of intrigue surrounding one of the greatest figures in music to have ever lived.  Who wouldn't want to read something like this!?

Well ... anyone who actually has read it, unfortunately.

The book suffers from 'great-idea-but-now-what' syndrome. Author Matt Rees failed to pick a path to really build a story.  The book is centered around Nannerl, and she comes off as a capable, arresting character.  I liked reading her. But she doesn't really do anything.  She plays piano.  She charms a few people. She asks questions about her brother.  These are pretty passive actions when confronting a story of mystery and intrigue.

Overall, the book fails to do anything or say anything, which makes it a pretty dull read.

Looking for a good book? Mozart's Last Aria by Matt Rees struggles to find a purpose and fails to be an enjoyable read.

I bought this book at a used book store.

2 stars

* * * * * *

Mozart's Last Aria

author: Matt Rees

publisher: Harper Perennial

ISBN: 0062015869

hardcover, 336 pages


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