It has been over a century since the war between the humans and the 'Mutes' (the only other known race of intelligent beings in the universe - they don't speak but communicate through telepathy).  Despite vast exploration, due in part to faster-than-light travel, the universe has turned out to be quite empty, with the Mutes the only other known life form. But when an explorer vessel in the Orion Nebula reports of a village on a small planet, interest is high.

Interest is replaced by intrigue when a follow-up mission arrives a few months later and there are no signs of the village. How does a town completely vanish - buildings and all? This is a question that Alex Benedict, archeologist/explorer/antiquities dealer wants to know as well.  And of course, if there is any small artefact left behind, it could bring a good price at auction. Alex and his associate Chase Kolpath and Alex's uncle Gabe head out for the long voyage and will get more than they bargained for.

I haven't reviewed many of the Alex Benedict books prior to this (only one, in fact), but I have read - or, more accurately, listened to - the entire series.  My wife and I have found that this is a series we both enjoy and we listen on our long drives.  Seeing that there was an advanced copy of the newest book in the series available, I was definitely interested.

This felt like one of the most 'direct' stories in the series.  Generally it seems that the journey Alex and Chase start out with often takes a number of twists and turns and ends up quite different.  Not so here. We've got an eye on the prize and we stay that we through the book.  The prize might wander but it's still the same goal we start with.

Through the course of the previous eight books in the series we've really gotten to know Alex and Chase, and to a lesser degree, Gabe.  The relationship building has been an important side bar to the stories. For that reason I wouldn't recommend jumping right in wit this, the 9th book. Although I think you could.  I believe you get to know enough about these people to enjoy the story at hand.  What makes a series fun to read is getting to know the characters and watching them grow.  It takes a skilled author like McDevitt to give us that growth in a series but make an individual book standalone readable.

This is not my favorite in the series (that might go to the only other book in the series that I've reviewed - Seeker) in part, I think, because of the open-endedness of the story.  There is a sort of finality put to some of the characters, but even that 'finality' leaves me with more questions.

I really don't want to give too much away or spoil any surprises.  This is definitely a science fiction book worth reading, particularly as part of this series.  The more you know about the world (universe) McDevitt has created, the more you will appreciate this story within that world. And fans of the series can likely expect more stories, given the way this ends. Sorry to be mysterious .. seriously, go read the first three books and see if you aren't interested in reading the next six!

Looking for a good book? Village in the Sky by Jack McDevitt is the 9th book in the Alex Benedict series. It takes us to some new places with interesting new characters that will likely feature more in upcoming books.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

3-1/2 stars

* * * * * *

Village in the Sky

author: Jack McDevitt

series: Alex Benedict #9

publisher: Gallery / Saga Press

ISBN: 9781668004296

hardcover, 352 pages


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