Mason Stark is a thirteen-year-old cadet from the Academy for Earth Space Command. He and seventeen of his fellow cadets have boarded the SS Egypt for a short voyage - just enough for the cadets to log their requisite space hours. Mason's sister serves aboard the ship and the two of them can't help playing practical jokes on each other, but Mason's come at a bad time - in front of the captain just as a real danger approaches.

The Tremists, an alien race that's been at war with Earth for over half a century, attacks the SS Egypt on its routine cruise. The Egypt's captain orders the cadets to hide in safety, being that they aren't yet trained for conflict. But no one was ready for the surprise attack and the captain and most of the crew are either killed or captured in the fray - only the hiding cadets are currently safe.

The group of teens appoint Mason as their temporary leader and they set out to take back the ship (if possible) and notify the ESC of what has happened.  What they don't understand, is why the Tremists would bother attacking a ship with a bunch of cadets aboard.  But then the answer is revealed to them ... the Egypt is transporting a weapon that could turn the tide of war in humanity's favor.

This is clearly a middle-grade reader, based on the age of the protagonists and the high level of action and the sibling practical jokes. It's definitely exciting and nearly every age-appropriate reader can put themselves in Mason's shoes.

But for all the action and excitement, there's really not much to this story - it is almost embarrassingly simple and nothing here is particularly original. 

Author Dan Krokos knows how to keep the reader turning pages with all the action and he certainly understands what appeals to middle school age readers but this is the sort of book that provides temporary enjoyment but most readers won't remember much after the reading.

Adult readers may find this a bit hard to enjoy. While it's a minor point, I was annoyed by constantly seeing the acronym for Earth Space Command.  Every time I saw ESC I read it as "Escape Key".  Maybe younger readers won't make that connection as easily as I did?

Overall, the book is fine.  Not great, not terrible.  

Looking for a good book?  If The Planet Thieves by Dan Krokos gets a child to read and enjoy a book ... GREAT!  But it's not on my list of books to recommend for younger readers.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

2-1/2 stars

* * * * * *

The Planet Thieves

author: Dan Krokos

series: The Planet thieves #1

publisher: Starscape

ISBN: 9780765334282

hardcover, 256 pages


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