In this fourth, and final, volume in the Olav Audunsson series by Sigrid Undset, Winter, Olav's life is wrapped up as the man, now in his twilight years, looks on at his life and guilt over some of his actions (as detailed in the previous three books) overwhelms him and he wants to set things right with what time he has left. Watching his son, Eirik make mistakes, may be the most difficult thing for Olav to see as he reflects on his own poor choices. Forgiveness might be impossible, but he might be able to clear his conscience with some effort. 

It's difficult to say whether or not this would have the same impact on a reader if this were the only volume of the series to be read.  There is some reflection on past deeds, but to not have read of the events definitely would prove to be a disadvantage - this is the end of a long life and things are slower, more reflective.  The excitement happens in the previous three volumes.

But this is an important look at not only Olav's life, but a look at the end of an era (though the death of anyone elderly ends an era). Just as Tevya learned to adapt to new ways in Fiddler on the Roof, Olav learns to adapt. Olav expects that one of his final tasks will be to find husbands for his daughters, yet he's willing to go back on his word to one man in order to allow his daughter to marry the man she loves rather than the man he's selected.  This is not the Olav of the earlier books!

Some of the beauty of this book, and the series, is the writing (Sigrid Undset) and/or translation (Tiina Nunnally). Often through my reading I would remind myself that this is not a translation of an ancient, Medieval text - the landscape of this era is so well defined her by Undset. Nor is this a 'modern' day writer writing about this age - the driving concerns of Olav and his contemporaries is every bit as 'modern' as we find today.

And this is one of my takeaways here ... mankind hasn't changed much over the centuries.  Technology has changed, but what drives us as humans hasn't. 

The challenges that face Olav, even now in his winter years, are reflected in what's happening with his country as well. From war with the Swedes to trying to find a religion (or a way to talk with God), we see how we face a constant need to reinvent ourselves, how everything we do affects those around us. But making amends or setting things right doesn't come easily - even once the attempt is made.

He had never imagined that something like this would happen - that when he was finally prepared to throw down his weapons and surrender, no one would be there to receive them. And he sensed that the deathlike calm he'd been feeling was actually the utmost apprehension, for he was now shivering with cold and despair because he would be forced to take this leap one more time.

I can't help but wonder if the similarities to Olav and Christ are intentional. In addition  to the act of allowing a child to have free will (to chose her own spouse), we have Eirik say, near the end:

God's ways are hidden. But never will I believe that it happened because Father's sin was worse than that of most other men. Maybe it happened in order to present an example - the rest of us go about our lives untroubled by our misdeeds. God chose Father to pay the full price, because He knew Father's heart was stronger and more steadfast - not like those of us who are incapable of swallowing even a single drop of the Lord's righteousness.

It's a powerful book and a very appropriate end to the series.  I'm not sure I could recommend this as a standalone, but this is definitely four books you should read.

Looking for a good book? Olav Audunsson: Winter, by Sigrid Undset is the fourth book in a series and the end of journey for a man, Olav Audunsson, living in medieval Norway. It's a great end to a great series.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

4-1/2 stars

* * * * * *

Olav Audunsson: Winter

author: Sigrid Undset

translator: Tiina Nunnally

series: Olav Audunsson #4

publisher: University of Minnesota Press

ISBN: 9781517915414

paperback, 352 pages


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