THE BITCH'S TALE - Kelly Alleyn

Decima is an ambitious, sex-crazed TV presenter. She's the host of a talk-show in which she claims that her magical powers (she's a witch), combined with her natural allure make her irresistible to anyone whom she desires.  And she desires everyone. She believes that the charm of her show is knowing that the guest du jour will wind up in bed with Decima - but will it be after the end of the program, or while people are still watching?

But Decima has a secret ... she's not really a witch, and this is a secret she must keep or the whole theme of her program goes away. And fortunately, her guests and her crew are all on tight contracts which keeps them bound to her. 'Fortunately' because all the men are naturally attracted to Alice - Decima's beautiful but wallflower of a PA.

Alice also has a secret, though.  She really is a witch, fighting a demon, and in love with someone she can never have.

Can Decima keep her secret and satisfy her lust with the ever-present line of guests on her show? Can Alice keep her secret and stay in the shadows?

When it comes to an ARC of a new book, I'm generally the person responsible for requesting a copy rather than having books sent to me randomly and sometimes I can't remember why I requested a certain book.  That would be the case here.  I have been curious to read some/more paranormal romance because it seems to be hugely popular, but why this particular book?  Probably just a random selection on my part.

In general, this book was okay.  Despite the fact that the driving motivation behind Decima is sex and power (in that order), I liked the characters.  However, I wanted to know more about Alice. Despite her major role in the book, I felt I knew less about her, and her motivations, than anyone else.

Also, I was much more interested in Decima's powerplay in holding on to her TV show despite not actually being a witch, than I was in her sexual appetite. This was a conflict worth exploring, whereas the sex (sometimes graphic) felt as though it was included simply to appeal to a specific audience but didn't really add anything to the plot.

Looking for a good book? My reaction to The Bitch's Tale by Kelly Alleyn is a shrug of the shoulders.  Not bad, not great. Very middle of the road.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

3 stars

* * * * * *

The Bitch's Tale

author: Kelly Alleyn

publisher: Blackbird Digital Books

ISBN: 9781838278687

paperback, 264 pages


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