THE PRICE OF THE PHOENIX - Sondra Marshak & Myrna Culbreath


In 1977, when this book was first published, we Star Trek fans were still hungry for anything we could get that was Star Trek related. We had the original series, and we'd already seen the animated series come and go but we were only just starting to get the books (this was only the fourth Star Trek novel to be published) and this was our only way to keep the adventures going.

I would have read this when it first came out (I was 16) but as I was looking it over, I couldn't remember anything about it.  Now I know why ... it's not particularly good.

The story ... ? Kirk is dead.  Maybe.  And the Enterprise crew is coming to retrieve him.  When Spock confronts the ruler (Omne) on the planet where Kirk has died, Omne informs the Vulcan that he has developed the 'phoenix process' - a variation of the Federation transporter technology that creates an exact duplicate of a person - and there is such a duplicate of Kirk (who Spock will call 'James'). Together, Spock and James will go in search of the original Kirk, whom they have reason to believe is still alive.

There is a sub-plot with the Romulan Commander from one of the original season episodes, who will help with giving a purpose to the 'extra' James Kirk.

This story idea is, while not exactly unique, not a bad idea for a Star Trek story. The problem, for me, is the actual writing quality of Marshak and Culbreath.  Everything about this book screams ROMANCE and if there's one thing I don't associate with Star Trek, it's romance fiction.

If you're thinking that the romance is between the female Romulan commander and Kirk and/or Spock ... you're wrong.  It's between Kirk and Spock.

I am aware that there's a sub-culture in Star Trek fandom that really enjoys Kirk/Spock gay themes - I didn't remember that there was a mass market book with these themes.

My problem here isn't with the subject of the romance ... it's the romance itself.  It's the main theme and the phoenix process and Romulan commander are just devices to get the romance going. The language, the writing, is syrupy romance, not Star Trek. I've randomly turned to a page:

Time already had run out. The agony was more than mere pain now. Defeat. Loss. Hopelessness. Spock struggled to see and to keep moving.

He had permitted himself -- illogical hopes.

Among them that there would be some extension of the directionality of the link through the strange resonance.

But there was not.

He could follow the movements of -- James.

But only the feelings of Jim.

James. Suddenly Spock became aware that James was leading the Commander, his movements shifting from bafflement to purpose -- tentative, groping - but purpose. As if James were following the most fragile gossamer thread - but following, and leading.

I'm hoping to read as many of the old Star Trek books, but there's a sequel to this and I'm not sure if I will want to read it.

Looking for a good book? The Price of the Phoenix by Sondra Marshak and Myrna Culbreath is only the 4th Star Trek book to be published, but it's more romance than Star Trek or science fiction. I would not recommend it.

2 stars

* * * * * *

The Price of the Phoenix

authors: Sondra Marshak and Myrna Culbreath

series: Star Trek Adventures #4

publisher: Bantam

ISBN: 9780553140248

paperback, 182 pages


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