LAP DANCE LUST - Rachel Kramer Bussel


I debated, a LOT, over whether or not I would even publicly post a review of this book. I mean, it's kind of embarrassing to admit to reading erotica. And yet the genre is one of the best selling subjects these days (thanks, in part, I'd guess, due to the anonymity that digital books afford) so why not read it (and, to be very honest, I was equally embarrassed to admit to reading Louis L'Amour westerns the first time I posted one of those reviews).

I am not familiar with author Rachel Kramer Bussel so I'll trust Goodreads' quote that she is "one of the biggest names in the literary world of erotica." With nearly 200 works attributed to her name (many as editor) she's certainly got some experience with the genre.

Overall I was impressed with the quality of the writing.  I have to admit to going into this expecting some really cheesy writing with the sole goal of getting the reader sexually aroused. Yes, there are a few stories here that fit that, but there are also stories here of people - people exploring each other sexually, exploring themselves sexually, or discovering how their sexuality affects their lives or shapes who they are. These stories were much more interesting to me than the purely 'for arousal' stories.

I should also note that I felt that most of these stories seem to be written for a female reader (not surprising, given the author). Perhaps that's why I didn't find them particularly exciting to me, but I appreciated the writing itself  (and the character development for short stories).

Nothing here was poorly written thought the plots of a few were kind of predictable. At the same time, though, nothing here really rose to the top to suggest a 'must read' recommendation. 

Looking for a good book? Fans of the erotica genre (particularly women) would probably really enjoy Lap Dance Lust by Rachel Kramer Bussel.  Those more curious about the genre (as I would consider myself) won't likely be swayed one way or the other.

The stories here really cover a wide range of sexual themes - some I actually found quite distasteful ("Punching Bag") and some unintentionally funny ("Sexathon") - so there should be something in here for just about any taste.

This book contains the following:

Introduction: Pushing My Erotic Boundaries 1
"Lap Dance Lust"
"Sharing the Perfect Cock"
"Doing the Dishes"
"Secret Service"
"Punching Bag"
"Flying Solo"
"A First Time for Everything"
'I’ll Have What She’s Having"
"Hands Down"
"The End"
"Special Request"
"Better Late Than Never"
"A Slap in the Face"
"Secretary’s Day"
"Caught in the Act"
"The Depths of Despair"
"Your Hand on My Neck"
"Standing Room Only"

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Edelweiss, in exchange for an honest review.

3-1/2 stars

* * * * * *

Lap Dance Lust

author: Rachel Kramer Bussel

publisher: Cleis Press

ISBN: 9781627783354

paperback, 228 pages


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