MAN IN THE WATER - David Housewright

Rushmore "Mac" McKenzie and his wife, Nina,  are visiting friends at a local marina when a woman comes to them, begging for help. Her husband is missing. It is Nina who finds the man, dead, and clinging to a step under the water. 

McKenzie does his best to not get involved and enjoy the retired life but the dead man’s daughter begs him to help her find out how her father died. Neveah is convinced her father was murdered but no one else seems to believe her. With the insurance agencies and the police officers investigating, no one is trying to determine why someone would kill E.J. Woods- except for McKenzie and one concerned beat cop.

I've really come to enjoy these Mac McKenzie books.  Set in Minnesota (my home territory) with a P.I. who takes on jobs because he can. He's no saint - he retired from the police force in order to receive an insurance pay-out (something he couldn't do as a law officer) in the millions. He's still got contacts on the force and his investigative skills are strong. But danger seems to find Mac and his investigations almost always bring him into contact with individuals not afraid to take a life and it's usually Mac in their way.

Not surprisingly, it isn't a straight line from death to murder to killer and McKenzie weaves through central Minnesota, meeting a number of interesting characters who have had contact with, and perhaps reason to kill, the dead man.  And when Mac gets a little to close, it's Nina who is in danger.

This book isn't the most action-packed or the most thrilling of McKenzie novels, but it is a solid police procedural with a tough, realistic central figure.

This is the 21st book in the series but you can pick up any book and simply enjoy it - you don't have to read them in order. 

Looking for a good book? David Housewright's Man in the Water is a pleasant diversion for mystery fans. It makes a great beach read.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

4 stars

* * * * * *

Man in the Water

author: David Housewright

series: Mac McKenzie #21

publisher: Minotaur Books

ISBN: 9781250863607

hardcover, 320 pages


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