FORGING A NIGHTMARE - Patricia A. Jackson

The descendants of God's fallen angels still live among us, though they've managed to keep a low profile and their heritage out of the public eye for a millennia. But now someone has discovered their secret - and not just anyone ... a notorious serial killer knows who they are and has selected them as his next targets.

A series of grisly murders brings the FBI (Agent Michael Childs) to New York, but the oddest thing about the murders might not be what ties the victims together ... that they all have twelve fingers and twelve toes ... it might be that one of their best leads is a Marine Sniper ...who was killed in Syria. Or perhaps it's what Michael Childs learns about himself.

This is one of the more original fantasy/mysteries that I've read in quite a long time.  It is books like this that really had me enjoying reading whatever Angry Robot published for a few years.

Author Patricia A. Jackson hooks us right from the start, jumping right into the surface mystery (the investigation of the strange deaths) and then leads us into the deeper story (the actual 'forging a nightmare') skillfully, weaving a tight, dark fantasy.

"Novels are about people who do things" I've written before, and Jackson presents us with some very interesting people. What they learn, about themselves and about others, is what drives this narrative.

The story is complicated - with the people and what is happening to them - but it's not so complicated that we can't follow it. It's enough to have us reading carefully, but the writing is so strong that it's easy to read. I found the book exciting and I was eager to get further into it each time I picked it up. 

I liked this enough that I looked to see what else Jackson has published - I want to read more. Sadly, her oeuvre is currently a bit thin (mostly Star Wars short fiction) but hopefully this will spur both Jackson and publishers to keep the books coming!

Looking for a good book? Forging a Nightmare by Patricia A. Jackson is an exciting, engaging mystery/fantasy with mythological roots.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Edelweiss, in exchange for an honest review.

4-1/2 stars

* * * * * *

Forging a Nightmare

author: Patricia A. Jackson

publisher: Angry Robot

ISBN: 9780857669223

paperback, 478 pages


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