WORD PUPPETS - Mary Robinette Kowal

 Why do I not do a better job of reading Mary Robinette Kowal? Of the three novels I've read by her, I've given two of them 4-1/2 star ratings (a solid five stars [as opposed to a rounded-up five stars] is pretty rare from me). This collection of short stories really showcases Kowal's writing talent and creativity. This collection really shines and reminds me that I need to be more aware of her work when it is coming out.

This is a strong collection of short works.  Typically, any collection of short stories will have one or two that don't have the impact or don't seem as strong as the whole.  Though a collection by one author is generally stronger than an anthology of different authors (if the reader likes the author in question). All of these stories were strong and enjoyable.  A couple stood out for me as being particularly enjoyable.

First was "Body Language" - a talented puppeteer works with a good AI to help resolve a kidnapping. I'm definitely partial to puppetry (and I'm aware that Kowal is a puppeteer herself) so I was immediately drawn to the story, but it's also so expertly penned.  Take a look at that cover - this is the story being illustrated.

For me, what might be the best story in the collection is "For Solo Cello, op. 12". It's a dark story about art. What will a human do for their art, even if the choice we make for the art has horrible consequences for someone.  Sooo good. But not exactly uplifting.

"American Changeling" was just a really cool fantasy. Even fairies have teenagers. Enough said.

Finally, "The Lady Astronaut of Mars" is a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL story about family life and aging and death and decisions within a sci-fi setting.  Also not really uplifting, it'll likely cause some readers to shed a tear or two.

Overall, this is a really great collection and a great way to become introduced to the works of Mary Robinette Kowal.  

This volume contains the following:

Introduction by Patrick Rothfuss
 "The Bound Man"
"At the Edge of Dying"
"Clockwork Chickadee"
"Body Language"
"Waiting for Rain"
"First Flight"
"Evil Robot Monkey"
"The Consciousness Problem"
"For Solo Cello, op. 12"
"For Want of a Nail"
"The Shocking Affair of the Dutch steamship Friesland"
"Salt of the Earth"
"American Changeling"
"The White Phoenix Feather: A Tale of Cuisine and Ninjas"
"We Interrupt This Broadcast"
"Rockets Red"
"The Lady Astronaut of Mars"

Looking for a good book? A collection of short stories isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I highly encourage fans of science fiction and fantasy to consider Mary Robinette Kowal's collection, Word Puppets. You won't be disappointed.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

4 stars

* * * * * *

Word Puppets

author: Mary Robinette Kowal

publisher: Prime Books

ISBN: 9781607014560

paperback, 319 pages


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